
Budget & Expenditure F.Y. 2019-20,2020-21 & 2021-22

2251- Scheme: National Skill Training Institutes


Sr. No Major Head/Sub Head Name of Head B.E (2019-20) Expenditure
1 2251. Salary  23800 23793
2 2251. Wages  150 116
3 2251. Over Time Allowance 20 0
4 2251. Medical Treatment 600 102
5 2251. Domestic Travel Exp. 700 660
6 2251. Foreign Travel Exp. 0 0
7 2251. Office Exp. 7000 6552
8 2251. Rents/Taxes 0 0
9 2251. Publication 100 0
10 2251. Other Admin.Expe.(OAE) 80 4
11 2251. Supply & Material 700 672
12 2251. Adv/Publicity 200 182
13 2251. Minor Works 13800 5915
14 2251. 2200 1066
15 2251. Schlor./Stipends 210 0
16 2251. Other Charges 60 0
    Total  Non Salary 25820 15269
    Capital Section    
17 4070.00.800.29.01.51 Motor Vehicle 0 0
18 4070.00.800.29.01.52 Mech./Equip. 3050 650
    Total Captial 3050 650
    Grand Total ( Salary+Non salary+ Capital Section 52670 39712
Sr. No Major Head/Sub Head Name of Head B.E (20-21) Expenditure
1 2251. Salary  25400 25370
2 2251. Wages  100 68
3 2251. Over Time Allowance 0 0
4 2251. Medical Treatment 430 297
5 2251. Domestic Travel Exp. 520 513
6 2251. Foreign Travel Exp. 0 0
7 2251. Office Exp. 8600 8500
8 2251. Rents/Taxes 0 0
9 2251. Publication 0  
10 2251. Other Admin. Expe.(OAE) 80 79
11 2251. Supply & Material 500 492
12 2251. Adv/Publicity 65 63
13 2251. Minor Works 4000 869
14 2251. Prof. Services 800 762
15 2251. Schlor./Stipends 400 386
16 2251. Other Charges 0 0
    Total  Non Salary 15495 12029
    Capital Section    
17 4070.00.800.29.01.51 Motor Vehicle 0 0
18 4070.00.800.29.01.52 Mech./Equip. 3100 3090
    Total Captial 3100 3090
    Grand Total ( Salary+Non salary+ Capital Section 43995 40489


Budget & Expenditure report F.Y. 2021-22    
2251- Scheme: Natinal Skill Training Institutes      
Sr. No Major Head/Sub Head Name of Head B.E
Up to
Exp in %
1 2251. Salary  26500 16837 64
2 2251. Wages  2100 278 13
3 2251. Over Time Allowance 0 0 0
4 2251. Medical Treatment 500 303 61
5 2251. Domestic Travel Exp. 900 211 23
6 2251. Foreign Travel Exp. 0 0 0
7 2251. Office Exp. 6000 2052 34
8 2251. Rents/Taxes 100 0 0
9 2251. Publication 0 0 0
10 2251. Other Admin.Expe.(OAE) 100 14 14
11 2251. Supply & Material 900 259 29
12 2251. Adv/Publicity 200 39 20
13 2251. Minor Works 4500 110 2
14 2251. 1200 311 26
15 2251. Schlor./Stipends 350 145 41
16 2251. Other Charges 50 39 78
    Total  Non Salary 16900 3761  
    Capital Section      
17 4070.00.800.29.01.51 Motor Vehicle 0 0 0
18 4070.00.800.29.01.52 Mech./Equip. 3000 646 22
    Total Captial 3000 646 22
    Grand Total ( Salary+Non salary+ Capital Section 46400 21244 46


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